HIS – foundation
Almost at the same time with formation of hedquarter institutions of Croatian cultural identity like University in Zagreb (1874.) and Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences (1861.), engineering associations were founded. It is the time of industrial growth in Europe and the necessity for professional and educated technical experts. Preparations for foundation of engineering association started in 1875. More than half of century the main activity of association take place in professional and multidisciplinary societies. Throught 133 years of existance HIS has aim for gathering and unificating technical forces for wellfare of all; promotion and protection of strategic interes of engineers taking care of protection and improvement of economical situation, social status, working conditions and reputation of engineers in public life; promotion of etics of engineering vocation; take care about education, scientific and professional training its members; creating postulate for promotion and achivement of technological and economical growth of Croatia; maintaining the environment and sustainable development.
Vraniczany´s palace
Regarding to his history and importance, Zagreb is rich with monuments and architecture, HIS can be proud with the fact that is located in neo-Renaissance Vraniczany´s palace, cultural heritage which is on pride of Zagreb and Croatia.
Down Town, in wich is a building of HIS, is famous for its Urbanism, there is unique green zone of town square´s and parks called The Green horseshoe or Lenuzzie´s horseshoe. Based on ideals of urban planner Milan Lenuzzi in second half of 19th century, represents the most significant urbanistic and horticultural achievement in Croatian city constructing.
HIS is located in environment of other remarkable buildings in neighboring Zrinjevac and near Strossmayer square where are uniquely splendid buildings with rich facades – close neo Renaissance palace Vranyczany (1882-83., architect Otto Hoffer) in which is Modern gallery, there are also Priester palace (today a Department for historical sciences of Croatian Academy of Art and Sciences) and Hotel Palace, both from the end of 19th century work of Zagreb´s architects Leo Hönigsberg and Julij Deutsch, famous for neo – Baroque building.
125th anniversary of Croatian Engineering Association (2003)
The one hundred and twenty-fifth anniversary of existence and successful operation of a voluntary association can really be considered a jubilee of extraordinary significance. It is precisely this long period of time that has elapsed since the first establishment of the Club of Engineers and Architects in Zagreb – which was the forerunner of the present-day Croatian Association of Engineers. In the course of this extended period, full of various events significant for Croatian people, our association of engineers has passed through many successful periods but also through some periods of stagnation. Thus, there were times of intensive work, advancement and recognition, but the times of struggle had to be endured as well. The association has participated in the resolution of many significant technical problems, and it has shaped and given rise to many great personalities, the renown of some has reached far beyond national frontiers. Passing through numerous periods of joy and anxiety, it has survived all good and bad times so that today, in the free and independent Republic of Croatia, it can search for new ways to act in keeping with requirements of the modern world.
This jubilee is a proper occasion to take a long look back to the path traversed by the association, to pay tribute to all those praiseworthy and commendable members that have built-in many hours and days of their hard work into advancement and prosperity of our association and, in particular, to those members that have consecrated their lives for our freedom thus enabling us to contemplate, shape and build our future without any hindrance.
Professor Jure Radić,
Ph.D. (Civ.Eng.) HIS President (from 1995. to 2011.)